티스토리 뷰


선물을 전달하지 못한 단 한 명의 아이를 위해 집을 나서는 Father Christmas 이야기를 담았다. 그의 책임감과 아이에 대한 사람이 돋보이는 책이었다. 그리고 한 문장의 길이가 길었음에도 어휘가 어렵지 않아 술술 읽히는 책이었다. 

I cannot not fly my aeroplane any further in this snow. But if you go to the garage that lies over the hill, there is a man with a Jeep. Perhaps he can help you.


Climb in my Jeep. And I will take you as far as I can.


I can take you no further. But if you go down the hill, and across the river, there is a boy with a motorbike. Perhaps the boy can help you.


But they had not gone very far before the motorbike slid on some ice and they both fell off.


Father Christmas went across the valley and into the woods, where he found the girl with skies.


They had not gone very far when the skies broke with the crack and they both tumbled into the snow.


They had not climbed very far when the rope broke and Father Christmas nearly fell off the Roly Poly Mountain.


My rope is broken and I cannot climb any higher. But if you carry on up that cliff and over those boulders you will see a little hut at the top, and that is the hut where Harvey Slumfenburger lives.

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