티스토리 뷰

학문간의 통합이란 작은 의미에서는 이런 책을 두고 하는 말이 아닐까 생각한다. 책 읽기를 통해서 언어도 배우지만 과학적 원리도 들어있다. '과학적 원리'라고 말하기도 부끄러울 정도로 간단한 '용어'들에 불과하지만 지금까지 slope의 범위에 stairs, ramps가 들어간다는 생각을 하지도 못했고, screw & screwdriver, wedge, axe가 slope을 사용한 도구라는 것도 몰랐던 나에게는 유익한 읽기였다. 

If you had to climb a mountain, how would you do it? Would you climb straight up a steep mountainside? Or take a longer route following a gentle slope? Both ways would take you to the top of the mountain, but which would take less effort?


It was a lot easier to move the huge blocks of stone up a slope.


Stairs are slopes made from steps.

Ramps are slops. 경사로

A helter-skelter

Some tools use slopes.

A screw has a long sloping edge, called a thread, that winds around in a spiral. 나사


This takes much less effort then pushing sth straight in.

You use screws all the time.

A corkscrew is a tool for getting a tightly fitting cork out of a bottle.

A wedge is another useful type of slope. 쐐기

An axe is a metal wedge.

In the same way that slopes help you to move upwards easily, they can help you to travel downwards quickly, too.

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