티스토리 뷰

분명 어렵지 않은 책인데 쉽게 잘 읽히지 않는 책이었다. 그건 나의 독해 실력이 낮아서 일까, 아니면 내가 태어난 때에 출판되었을 만큼 오래된 책이어서 그럴까...그럼에도 불구하고 2권에서 친구 Grace와 함께 School bus를 타게 되는 Junnie B.에게 어떤 일이 생길지 궁금해지는 책이었다. 한 두권정도는 더 읽을 가치가 있지 않을까. 

My teacher shook my hand. Only our hands didn’t fit together that good.


Like the easels where we get to paint.

* easel 그림그릴 때 받치는 받침대


Frowning is when your eyebrows look grumpy.

* grumpy: easily annoyed and complaining.


Then I get on it. And sit down. And it takes me to school.

그것을 타다


I nodded the word yes.


Then my mother rumpled my hair.

* rumple 머리카락을 엉클어 놓다


And this morning I felt very droopy when I got up.

* droop 축 들어지다, 처지다


And the brakes screeched very loud.


Yeah, only look what happened. I got stepped on and so now I’m soiled. = dirty


“L-U-C-I-L-L-E. That spells Lucille,”


He was jiggling around very much.

Then I started jiggling up and down. (p.57)

After that I started to jiggle up and down very fast. (p.58)

And so I stopped jiggling for a second. (p.60)


I squeezed right on top of the construction paper. 색 도화지


That’s where I got a splinter from the picnic table. Mother pulled it out with tweezers.

* splinter: 파편, 조각

* tweezers: 핀셋


And their name is crutches! 목발들


‘cause I weigh 37.


Then I heard a grouchy voice.

* grouchy: 짜증내고 불평하는

‘Cause Mother was grouchy at me. (p.67)

Then Mother stopped being so growly. (p.68)


Principal acted a little bit grumpy.


“Did you hurt yourself?”


Didn’t you see all the commotion you caused? You had a lot of ppl very scared.





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